What is Dry skin?

03.08.2022 | Acne

Dry skin is characterized by the lack of moisture in the stratum corneum. Water is the major content of the skin. When it's levels are low, cracks & fissures occur.

When skin becomes too dry, the outer skin layers stiffen and may develop cracks. The cracks become fissures into the skin that becomes irritated, inflamed and itchy.

The incidence of dry skin has increased in recent years because, people bath & shower frequently using hot water foaming cleansers, fragranced bubble baths & bath salts. Which impair the skin's barrier by stripping away important lipids. Generally, as people, age! Their skin tends to become drier and less oily. Dry skin occurs more during the fall and winter.

Environmental Agents that can lead to Dry skin.
  • Hot water
  • Detergents
  • Friction from clothing
  • Frequent air travel
  • Pollution
  • Other chemicals
  • Air Conditioning
When to see a doctor?

Most cases of dry skin respond well to lifestyle changes & home remedies. You may need help from your doctor it.

  • You have tried self-care steps but your signs and symptoms persist.
  • Your skin becomes inflamed or painful.
  • You have open sores or infections from Scratching.
  • You have large areas of scaly or peeling Skin
Home care for Dry skin
  • If you have dry skin, Avoid bath with hot water.
  • Use mild cleanser or mild soap & moisturiser daily.
  • Don't wash your face frequently. If possible wash your face before going to bed.
  • For dry lips use lip balms which Contains petroleum jelly & mineral oil.

Tags: Dry Skin, Skin Care, Skin Concepts